All posts by dkengineering

DK 15th Anniversary

DK Engineering  Ltd. celebrated its 15 Year Anniversary on Friday, November 08 at the Pan Pacific Hotel Hanoi. DK Engineering Ltd. was formed in 2004. Since then, the business has become a trusted partner to many commercial and industrial organizations, with engaged and motivated staff, working in a healthy environment with a positive culture, culminating in strong client retention and successful referrals to new clients as one of the prestigious companies taking care of MEP, also a leading international partner in resources, projects and development.

It was a joyous celebration filled with stories about key milestones of our journey and challenges that DK Engineering Ltd bravely overcame and wishes for the future. To our friends and colleagues who joined us, supported us, assisted us and celebrated with us in person and in spirit, we thank you for making DK Engineering Ltd what it is today – 15 years of success and enjoyment. We are encouraged and excited about every success in achieving new heights in many decades to come.