All posts by dkengineering

DK CSR Program for 2019

“Only Rice is not enough” calendar is chosen as  the DK official calendar to send to partners and staff. 180 calendar were bought. One bought calendar brings 30 000 VND for the meals of children in mountainous area.

New Born Vietnam invited DK Engineering to graduation Ceremony for the second cohort of nurses who have completed the Edinburgh Napier Newborns Vietnam Specialist Neonatal Nurse Training Course and to the doctors who completed their Level 2 Neonatal Doctor Post Graduate Training.

The graduation ceremony took place amid a jubilant atmosphere as the graduates many years of academic hard work of finally paid off. The ceremony marks an important milestone where students are recognized as neonatal doctors and nurses. DK Engineering is more than honor to take part in this remarkable event thanks to Newborn.

Blue Dragon Children Foundation together with DK Engineering and partners around the world has rescued 107 victims trafficking from China. 85 children on the streets of Hanoi were offered a place to stay, The number of tertiary students receiving scholarships from Blue Dragon has now reached 100, which means that 100 young adults are supported to attain a university education, along with another 598 children in school. In one of the remotest regions of Vietnam, Blue Dragon built a boarding house and classrooms with safe, clean accommodation for primary school children of ethnic minority communities who live too far from school to travel each day.